
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Plan

It has come to my attention I had not fully mentioned plan for this project. As such this post is just to explain what I was working on, what had top be changed, and what is the plan now. The initial concept of this game was to create a rhythm turn based rpg hybrid. How this would be done would be like many turn based games. Firstly by implementing a battle menu, simply, Attack, Defend, Skill and Run/Escape. Now how where is the rhythm mechanic implemented? In the "Skills" option. By selecting skills, one would enter a rhythm phase where every button tap would improve the damage of the attack. So what is happening now. Well for starters the initial plan was to create a small story that had three characters and two combat phases. That has unfortunately been shortened to one character and a tutorial phase. Will the physical tool I had initially mentioned still be implemented? No, as it stands, there is no time to code the physical object let alone make one.

Unfortunate Circumstances

Due to some unfortunate circumstances, my initial hopes and promises for this project had to be cast aside or in this case, simplified to fit the allotted time given, as there as an unfortunate event that took me out of commission for a good week, progress has been slow and at this point has become a battle for completion. Whilst the mechanics may very well be complete, the actual production of the game is at risk. Ultimately this is merely an update in regards to my own well being, is it important to post this? I don't know.

Visuals: Buttons

With almost three weeks gone, conceptualization is essentially complete and the visuals should be in the process of creation. This post will focus on the buttons that will exist in game. Here are the four buttons that would be implemented into the game. The conceptualization of these buttons are inspired by two games that I at some point of time had played. Final Fantasy Theatrhythm by Square Enix Voez by Rayark Mainly incorporating the design style of Theatrhythm, the choice between a circular button and diamond button fell onto the general aesthetic of the project. So why diamonds?  This article  offers a little insight into the psychology of shapes and as seen in the article, squares, in this case diamonds, offer a sense of stability and order which is the intended design choice. Not only that, the idea of attacking felt more suitable with the square shape in mind. As such the primary design of the buttons are diamonds. References Velarde, O. (2017).  Th

Coding: The Rhythm Mechanic

So it has been a good while since the last update regarding the rhythm mechanic. Last we mentioned this was how the method I had initially planned to use did not work. So with optimism and hope, I had found another method that works! I know this because I've tested it and it works! Making a Rhythm Game in Unity  is a video tutorial that essentially saved me from long hours of pointless research. I had not mentioned this in previous posts due to the difference between the intended tutorial I had been following and this version. It does however have its problems. Primarily, the fact that the tutorial is in Unity 3D, which while it can be tackled, would take sometime to convert to Unity 2D which I had been creating my project on. This would be the end result of the tutorial. The tutorial consists of eight parts which is almost 2 hours in length. A good amount of time would be needed to research this but hopefully the results of this tutorial will be great. References YouTube