Visuals: Buttons

With almost three weeks gone, conceptualization is essentially complete and the visuals should be in the process of creation. This post will focus on the buttons that will exist in game.

Here are the four buttons that would be implemented into the game. The conceptualization of these buttons are inspired by two games that I at some point of time had played.

Final Fantasy Theatrhythm by Square Enix

Voez by Rayark

Mainly incorporating the design style of Theatrhythm, the choice between a circular button and diamond button fell onto the general aesthetic of the project. So why diamonds? This article offers a little insight into the psychology of shapes and as seen in the article, squares, in this case diamonds, offer a sense of stability and order which is the intended design choice. Not only that, the idea of attacking felt more suitable with the square shape in mind. As such the primary design of the buttons are diamonds.


Velarde, O. (2017). The Meaning of Shapes and How to Use Them Creatively in Your Designs. [online] Visual Learning Center by Visme. Available at: [Accessed 5 Jan. 2017].
This article offers a little insight into the psychology of shapes and as seen in the article, squares, in this case diamonds, offer a sense of stability and order which is the intended design choice.


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