The Plan

It has come to my attention I had not fully mentioned plan for this project. As such this post is just to explain what I was working on, what had top be changed, and what is the plan now.

The initial concept of this game was to create a rhythm turn based rpg hybrid. How this would be done would be like many turn based games. Firstly by implementing a battle menu, simply, Attack, Defend, Skill and Run/Escape.

Now how where is the rhythm mechanic implemented? In the "Skills" option. By selecting skills, one would enter a rhythm phase where every button tap would improve the damage of the attack.

So what is happening now. Well for starters the initial plan was to create a small story that had three characters and two combat phases. That has unfortunately been shortened to one character and a tutorial phase. Will the physical tool I had initially mentioned still be implemented? No, as it stands, there is no time to code the physical object let alone make one.

This is the current update in regards to the game. What is my plan now? The next post will be  regarding a certain mechanic, that has taken up more time than it should.

Also to add to this post, the first and only character to be implemented in the game.


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