What now?

Well submission day has come, and now that it is here, all I can do is submit what I have done.

Truth be told, it was a difficult three months and honestly very taxing. I've certainly enjoyed my time making this and I hope all of you can see it too. So to finish this off, here's a list of things I have plans for as I hope this game is enjoyable enough to continue and if not, well, I'd like to take this as a learning opportunity and hopefully I could use various aspects of it in other projects.

The game as it stand is just a tutorial. The plans for this game after submission would be as follows.

1. A full story.
Of course with all that's been done, I'd like to create a full story regarding the game. What I also mean by this, is that I'd like to make this a full game if possible.

2. More Characters
Needless to say more characters would be a fantastic addition to the game and one I so very much want to do.

3. Pyre's Dialogue System
On the top of my head, is the game Pyre, notably the dialogue system they used for the game. As seen in the video, the dialogue text shows certain words glowing, by hovering over the button, the text would pop up and offer details into the character, world and plot of the game. It is a fantastic method of telling the story and allowing players to learn at their own leisure and pace.

4. Skill Trees

Not too sure if this is the route I'd like to go with this game, implementing a skill tree may offer a fun level of customization that many RPG players would enjoy.

5. Fix Ups
The game still has many places it could improve on, primarily the scripting could definitely be done better and cleaner. This fix would help the game move forward and may become a system or mechanic I could implement in other projects.

To conclude, I certainly hope this is enough, I certainly have plans to continue this project as something personal and hopefully I will.


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