Coding: The Rhythm Problem: Part 3

And with one problem solved, a new problem arises. Whilst I've successfully fixed the gravity problem with a Vector3 formula, an odd problem has opccured and it honestly baffles me as to why such a thing is happening.

Two buttons are to fall at the same time, both would thus in theory land at the same time. That is apparently not the case. Apparently, what happens is that as buttons spawn over time, it would seem that the buttons have their own speed and pacing. I am unclear as to what is going on and why such a thing is happening but it is currently an issue consuming too much time. Hopefully I will find an answer to it soon.


Technologies, U. (2017). Unity - Scripting API: Vector3.MoveTowards. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jan. 2018].
The use of this script allowed my objects to disregard the aspect of gravity enabling it to fall at a constant speed.


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