Coding: The Rhythm Problem: Part 2

Now as mentioned prior, a previous existing problem regarding the Unity format has thankfully been resolved, but a new problem has occurred and it is regarding the gravity of the buttons that pop up, because of said gravity, the buttons appear to spawn and move faster as it falls down. This is because colliders, a component which allows objects to detect when they clash with another object, in Unity require a component known as Rigidbodies.

The problem with Rigidbodies is that gravity becomes an issue. Now why is it that the video seems to show no issues? That is because of how the layout is placed, as it is not a flat top to bottom system, gravity may not be as noticeable. Why? It is because the layout is actually slanted, something that can be done in Unity 3D.

Now it may not seems like an issue as it still spawns in a specific time or rhythm, but there's a noticeable increase in speed as it drops down making it difficult to time. This needs to be looked into and hopefully resolved soon.


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