Coding: Floating Damage

Update: So, fun little update for everyone. The video I had based of the floating damage, is too old to use. As such I've had to recreate it and modify it in my own way. The video is by all means still useful, but I've been forced to create a variation of this method.

So here we are with another feature required in my game. As it currently stands, the game is lacking in the response and feedback aspect, which is essentially a big issue. This video is but one solution to the problem at hand a damage pop-up text.

This is seen in a variety of games such as Sdorica, the primary influence and inspiration of my project and RPGs in general honestly.

Now the goal of this system is to visually display the damage an enemy takes, which give players an understanding of what works and what doesn't. This is essentially necessary in an RPG to show players an enemies weakness, take for example, an enemy weak to a certain attack would show Red Damage while normally it would be Yellow Damage. This allows a level of strategizing and learning that makes RPGs fun.

In any case I've yet to try it and hopefully it'll work out.


YouTube. (2016). Damage Popup Text in Unity 5. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2017].
This is the point of reference for the floating text mechanism which is implemented to display the damage taken, dealt and recovered in the game.


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