Rhythm and RPG Merge

After a number back and forth with the lecturers, the essential idea agreed upon would be a 2D turn based RPG with rhythm genre elements. As my initial research goes, there would seem to be a lack of said elements, which leaves one to ask. Why? The rhythm genre dates as far back as the early 1970s and the RPG, role-playing game, genre dating the mid-1970s. As far as personal research goes, nothing seems to suggest that both elements could not work together, therefore, let's give it a go. There's no honest guarantee how it will turn up, but here's to hoping I make something successful and fun. Also, to note, while the assignment implies the need to learn new skills, the level of understanding we are presented with in regards to coding, and design, I would say is at its basic level. As such, I would suggest that fine tuning the skills we have been taught in of itself would be similar to "new". Now the next post will be regarding my preliminary research that formed this idea and where I intend to push it towards.


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