Conceptualization: Art Direction: Sdorica?

See that up there? That is an attempt at pixel art. One need I add, took far too long as you can tell by the week silence since my previous post. Regretfully, as it has taken too much time to create, I would have to step away from this direction and attempt something else if I wish to achieve anything at this rate. As such, I've been looking into the previous art style that I had once mentioned in the previous post. The game where I had found it from was known as Sdorica, which came out sometime September. 
The style itself was reminiscent of an older online social game which at this point is longer available, TinierMe.
I suppose one could call this direction Chibi Anime-esque, but I for one am not sure what it is called. But the in comparison to the time spent on creating the pixel version of my first character, it would be a lot less time consuming. 
As you can see here, this is what was essentially made in less than three hours, making this a more suitable style to use for my project. Hopefully I could achieve my goals with this new style in mind.


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