Coding: The Rhythm Problem

The rhythm aspect of the game would be similar to that of Guitar Hero. Buttons would fall from the top of the screen to the bottom and users, at a specific time would then need to tap on a button on time in relation to the in game button. So first off, where do we begin? Now in a post long ago, I had mentioned of a blogger, PhantomBadger, unfortunately after reading through and attempting to recreate the mechanic, it would be discovered far too difficult, not that it is not possible, but that it did not suit the gameplay mechanic I had in mind. The system they would use is similar to that of Stepmania, a rhythm game that took the mechanics of Dance Dance Revolution, an arcade game, if any of you know of it and implement it for PC users.
So where is the problem? Is the file system that is needs to be implemented for it to work. A simfile. The problem with an simfile is that it would require a song, and from there, the buttons are made similar to that of a recording. This is a video showing how a simfile is made.

In any case this method would not work with my game. As such it would be back to the drawing board for me.


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